The Shaw Public Library Board of Trustees serve the library and community to help guide library policy, programs, services and more.   The board members are appointed by the Town of Greenville and serve a 3 year term.

More information can be found in the Maine State Library Trustee Handbook.

Library Trustees

  • John Contreni        Term Expires 2027
  • Linda Wohlforth    Term Expires 2027
  • Esther Ireland        Term Expires 2027
  • Debbie McAfee       Term Expires 2027
  • Kathy Bishop          Term Expires 2027

Minutes, November 12, 2024
Members present: Kathy Bishop (chair); John Contreni (secretary); Esther Ireland; Deborah
McAfee; Linda Wohlforth (treasurer).
Ex-officio: Jessica Folsom
Guests: None
Meeting called to order: 4:01 p.m.

1. Selection of Board Chair
• John moved and Linda seconded that Kathy Bishop be selected as Board chair. Motion approved, 4-0.
2. Conflict of Interest with any agenda item by Board members?
• None
3. Approval of Minutes
• August 14. 2024: Esther moved and Linda seconded that the minutes be approved as distributed. Motion carried 4-0-1.
• October 9, 2024: Deborah moved and Esther seconded that the minutes be approved asdistributed. Motion carried 4-0-1.
4. Additions or Deletion to the Agenda
• John noted that we should discuss the scheduling of the next meeting as item 10 on the Agenda.
5. Report from the Director
• Jessica distributed copies of her report. Highlights included:
o Luke Muzzy, Executive Director of the Moosehead Historical Society &
Museums, will be visiting the SPL on November 14 to determine if there is
anything he sees fit to display or store. The Library will be decluttering as much
as possible.
o Jessica met with Allie Burbine, Piscataquis County Digital Navigator, to set up
online classes on topics such as computer skills, smart phone instruction, social
media navigation, and safety. Programs will be offered early in 2025.
o The Library card selection has been revamped. The SPL will no longer offer a
temporary three-week pass and will encourage non-resident patrons to opt for a
yearlong pass for $10.
o Volunteers remain active. Darlene Kubas has been hired and will assist P.J. Tinto
in the children’s section.
o The Library received a $5000 donation from Nancy Mandell of Austin, TX, in
memory of her late husband, Lewis Mandell. Ms. Mandell specified in a letter to
Jessica that the funds can be used wherever they “will benefit the library the
most.” Jessica called her and thanked her for her generosity.
o The SPL is on budget this month.
o Mary Stefanik has purchased coffee in bulk for the Library. Jessica suggested that
we reimburse her $75 for her out of pocket costs. John moved and Deborah
seconded that we do so. Motion carried 5-0.
o Monthly statistics for October include: 556 visitors; 53 calls into the Library; 17
computer patrons; 6 Interlibrary Loan patrons; 157 items processed; 188 items
o John asked if Jessica had had time yet to implement processes for the SPL front
desk to specify incoming receipts as they are received to achieve better
accounting of the Library’s income. Collections at the front desk, for instance,
would be designated for books, copying, donations, etc. Jessica said she has not
yet been able to do this, but will deal with it soon.
6. Report from the Treasurer
• Linda reported that we have a current balance of $16,376.63 after payment for the
automatic door in the Annex and not counting Nancy Mandell’s donation. Monthly
receipts came to $370 and expenses came to $200.
• She asked that John send a letter to Andrea Hunt at the Camden National Bank with the
names of the BOT’s new officers. He will do so.
• Deborah moved and Esther seconded that we approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion
carried, 5-0.
7. Old Business:
• Chair lift grant from the American Library Association.
o Kathy explained that she has been “stewarding” the grant for the automatic door
and reporting to the ALA on the completion of that funded project.
o She and Jessica will now turn to the next ALA grant opportunity, which is due by
December 11. The next project is a chair lift for the Davis Annex. Esther brought
up the possibility of having a lift that could accommodate wheelchairs. Kathy will
investigate. Given time constraints, Deborah motioned and Esther seconded that
the Board authorize Kathy and Jessica to make decisions on some kind of lift.
Motion carried 5-0.
• Counting library patrons:
o Kathy reported that the Library has been working on the issue of possible double
counting of patrons who enter the Library. She believes that the “front and back”
of the Library are communicating with each other and that patron numbers are not
inflated. “We have a handle on it.”
o Deborah motioned and Linda seconded that the we table the people counter
project. Motion carried 5-0.
• Bylaws:
o The Board reviewed drafts of revised Articles I-III of the Bylaws.
o Esther moved and Linda seconded that we approve revisions to the draft of
Article I, Establishment, Governance, Mission, and Bylaws. Motion carried 5-0.
o Deborah moved and Esther seconded that we approve revisions to the draft of
Article II, Library Board of Trustees Composition. Motion carried 5-0.
o Esther moved and Deborah seconded that we approve revisions to the draft of
Article III, Officers and Duties. Motion carried 5-0.
o John will revise the drafts with approved changes and distribute copies to the
8. Next Meeting:
• After discussion, the Board agreed by consensus to move the next meeting to January 8
(Wednesday) at 4:00 p.m.
9. Adjournment:
• Deborah moved and Kathy seconded that we adjourn at 5:08 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.